Thursday, January 31, 2013

Marijuana and Pregnancy

What is marijuana? Marijuana, also called pot, weed, or cannabis, is a recreational drug that comes from the hemp plant. Parts of the plant are dried and smoked in pipes or cigarettes (joints) or less commonly eaten. It is an illegal substance in the United States, except in some states that allow marijuana use by prescription for medical purposes.
How much is known about the effects of marijuana on a pregnancy?
Marijuana contains about 400 different chemicals and some marijuana cigarettes may contain other drugs or pesticides. It is very difficult to study the effects of marijuana use during pregnancy because some women who use marijuana may also use alcohol, tobacco, or other substances at the same time. They may also have other factors that can increase pregnancy complications, such as lack of prenatal care. In addition, accurate information on the amount, frequency, and timing of marijuana use is not usually available for study participants. These factors may help explain why we see inconsistent findings in the studies that have been published.
I am trying to become pregnant. Will marijuana use by myself or my partner lower my chance of becoming pregnant?
In women, long-term use of marijuana may affect the menstrual cycle and lead to a reduction in hormones involved in reproduction and fertility. In men, an association with reduced sperm count has been documented. These effects do not appear to totally prevent pregnancy, but may lower the chances. The effects on fertility appear to be reversible when marijuana is discontinued.
Will smoking or ingesting marijuana cause birth defects in my baby?
The frequency of birth defects was not higher than expected in the babies of 1246 women who reported smoking marijuana during pregnancy. However, most of the women in the study smoked only "occasionally." While this data is reassuring, in the absence of studies where women smoked more heavily, it is best to avoid marijuana during pregnancy
Can marijuana harm the baby in any other way?
The main active chemical in marijuana is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is known to cross the placenta during pregnancy. This means it gets into the baby's system, although how THC may impact a developing baby is unclear. Some studies have suggested that for women who smoke marijuana cigarettes regularly, there is an increased risk for premature births and low birth weight, similar to what is seen with cigarette smoking. Premature and low birthweight babies have higher rates of infant deaths, learning problems or other disabilities.
If I smoke marijuana in the third trimester, can it cause my baby to go through withdrawal after birth?
Some newborns exposed to marijuana have been reported to have temporary withdrawal-like symptoms, such as increased tremors and crying.
Can my marijuana smoking affect the brain development of the baby?
Differences in brain activity, behavior, and sleeping patterns of infants and children exposed to marijuana in pregnancy have been reported in some studies. It is believed that these children may have more problems with attention, impulsive behavior, and academic performance. However, the evidence is far from conclusive as many of the studies reportconflicting results.
What happens if I use marijuana when I'm breast-feeding?
Marijuana can be passed to infants through their mother's breast milk. Marijuana may also affect the quality and quantity of breast milk. Although no consistent effects have been noticed in infants exposed to marijuana through breast milk, the American Academy of Pediatrics advises that breastfeeding mothers avoid the use of marijuana.

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Anxiety and Pregnancy - Simple Tips To Relieve It Now

Anxiety and pregnancy is a common occurrence for many women and this article is all about understanding why and some simple tips to relieve it.
For some, anxiety during pregnancy is nothing more than generalized worry about managing pain, and coping after the baby is born, and for others, anxiety and pregnancy can be all consuming.
What causes anxiety & pregnancy?
The words "anxiety and fear" are so commonly used and interchanged that many people don't fully understand what they mean. Anxiety refers to an overriding mental tension with no apparent identifiable cause while fear may be caused by a specific, often external reason which causes mental tension.
Most of us will experience low levels of anxiety at various times through our life, this is perfectly normal. People with Generalised Anxiety Disorder suffer with unrealistic or excessive anxiety and worry about almost all aspects of everyday life.
They may feel panicky about carrying out everyday activities, like shopping and using public transport and are generally anxious most of the time.
Anxiety and Pregnancy - when is a little bit too much?
As with the rest of the population who may experience anxiety of a non clinical nature from time to time, most pregnant women experience generalised anxiety surrounding their pregnancy.
While a certain amount of anxiety during pregnancy is inevitable, high levels of stress and anxiety can have a detrimental effect on both mother and baby and there is growing evidence that high levels can affect children long after birth.
It is well known that a woman's maternal emotions can have an affect on her unborn baby. Anxiety and pregnancy can increase a woman's risk of miscarriage, preterm delivery, and giving birth to a baby that is low birth weight.
Recent studies show a strong link between maternal anxiety levels early in pregnancy and a child's susceptibility to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) years later.
How do I know if my anxiety levels are too high?
Being concerned about the changes in your body, feeling a little more tired than usual, worrying about how you'll cope after your baby is born are all perfectly normal concerns.
However, your anxiety levels may be cause for concern if you experience any of the following:-
  • unrealistic or excessive worry
  • unrealistic fears concerning objects or situations
  • "flashbacks" of past trauma this may include previous pregnancies
  • tension
  • fatigue
  • high pulse and/or breathing rate
Anxiety and pregnancy - how to reduce it now!
In order to overcome anxiety during pregnancy it is essential to learn how to relax. The process of reciprocal inhibition means it is impossible to feel relaxed and tense at the same time.
If you have been an anxious person prior to pregnancy, or even if your anxiety has emerged as a direct result of pregnancy, the chances are you do not know how to relax and release the tension stored in muscles that contribute to the experience of anxiety.
Many of the symptoms of anxiety can be combated with regular practice of relaxation techniques.
Daily practice in the skills of relaxation will assist you in relieving muscle tension, will greatly improve your overall feeling of wellbeing and most importantly, reduce your anxiety during pregnancy.
Deep relaxation involves a number of physiological changes including:
  • decreased heart rate
  • decrease in respiration rate
  • decreased blood pressure
  • decrease in skeletal muscle tension
  • decrease in analytical thinking
  • decrease in metabolic rate and oxygen consumption
Concerns over anxiety and pregnancy can be greatly reduced by regular practice of deep relaxation for approximately 30 minutes on a daily basis with the aid of a relaxation CD.
During pregnancy and birth, feeling relaxed and at ease ensures you are less likely to respond with anxiety therefore you will find that you feel more in control most of the time.
Over time the effects of anxiety and pregnancy can be greatly reduced and a general feeling of greater wellbeing and relaxation can benefit every area of your life.
Anxiety and pregnancy fears surrounding labour and birth can also be dispelled with the use of regular relaxation and there are several childbirth preparation CDs which focus specifically on relaxation for labour and birth.


Pregnancy and Tinnitus

I have been living with tinnitus for more than five years before I got pregnant. I have been having constant and low volume buzzing in my left ear and it gets amplified when I am in a quiet place or agitated. Tinnitus is the condition wherein one perceives noises like ringing, buzzing, whooshing and clanging in one or both ears without the presence of any external sound.
Often tinnitus is a symptom of an underlying condition and does not connote a sickness in itself. It is said to be caused by either, but not limited to, impacted earwax, ear infection, hearing loss, increased blood pressure, circulatory problems and diabetes. Curious to note, a bigger percentage of the tinnitus cases affect men ranging from the age of 27 to 72 years old. Most have been exposed to very loud noises or have carried jobs that expose them to constant loud noises.
In a recent study conducted by The Royal Institute of Deaf People, United Kingdom (RNID), tinnitus is also found to have affected women. Women are predisposed to suffer from tinnitus between the ages of 13 to 45 and can experience the condition when there is a shift and imbalance of hormones. The hormonal changes start during puberty and can be manifested during menstrual period, pregnancy and menopause.
About 67% of the women who have not had tinnitus experienced the condition on the onset of pregnancy. Around 62% of those who already have tinnitus prior to pregnancy report an increase in the condition upon pregnancy.
As so, on the onset of my third trimester in pregnancy, my tinnitus increased in frequency and volume. I didn't think pregnancy was a factor, and I considered that my tinnitus was just getting worse. I had sleepless nights, terrible headaches and vertigo too.
My good friend Jane also suffers from tinnitus and as she was nearing her third trimester, she noticed that the noises also got a lot worse.
Pregnancy is almost always responsible for pulsating tinnitus and is often remedied after childbirth. A number of reasons have been pointed out as to why tinnitus is deemed to be aggravated during this phase of a woman's life. One of which is the change that our body undergoes during gestation. During this period, our hormones fluctuate as major changes in our physical and emotional aspects can be observed.
During my pregnancy, my blood pressure was monitored starting at 20 weeks of my gestation. As my blood pressure increased, my tinnitus worsened. My ob-gynecologist pointed to a correlation between my blood pressure and my tinnitus. Every time my blood pressure shot up, my tinnitus increased in volume and frequency and the buzzing could be heard as whooshing. I have been told that this shift in noise is because of the pressure that can be felt by my blood vessels in my inner ear. The whooshing sound is the sound of blood flowing.
Additionally, the stress that women feel during this stage contributes to the worsening of our tinnitus. Pregnancy is not an easy time for us. It entails a lot of major emotional, mental and physical changes and the mere idea of being responsible for another life poses a major pressure on women. Though it is natural to be experiencing such thoughts and feelings, it is important that women during the course of pregnancy minimize the level of stress.
Remember to put emphasis on the health of your baby and your own health. Do away with the negative thoughts and create an atmosphere of love, relaxation and comfort. Continue taking your daily exercise, incorporate a healthy diet and don't worry!
Stress and pregnancy may come hand in hand, and tinnitus often follows closely behind. So take control of your stress and you will manage your tinnitus without difficulty.


Phentermine and Pregnancy - Is Phentermine Safe For Your Baby?

Obesity is the main problem during pregnancy and may lead to diabetes in pregnant women. As per the latest survey carried out by the various research teams, there are no side effects of Phentermine in case of pregnant women if it is taken as per prescribed doses.
But if the doses of Phentermine are consumed in large quantity, there is a risk of abnormal development of foetus, so to reduce these risks, prescribed doses needs to be followed in proper manner under strict vigilance of the doctor. But it is an advice to the pregnant women that they should avoid Phentermine during pregnancy period because it may lead to gestational diabetes. Sometimes Phentermine can cause various withdrawal symptoms in case of pregnant women. To avoid all these side effects, Phentermine should be stopped before start of pregnancy stage and doctor needs to be consulted for more information about Phentermine.
In case of breast-feeding mothers, Phentermine is to be avoided, so that the newborn baby is safeguarded from various side effects. As Phentermine is from the family of sympathomimetic amines and it is almost similar to the Adipex-P, pregnant women should avoid taking Phentermine. This may lead to an addiction if the doses of Phentermine are taken in large quantities. If doctor permits you to go ahead with Phentermine during pregnancy period, you should gradually reduce the dose to avoid the symptoms of withdrawal. Before opting for Phentermine, please go through the instructions and quantity of doses written on the leaflet. Do not follow self-medication practice, it may result in abnormalities.
Along with above stated abnormalities, there are various side effects of Phentermine during pregnancy period and they are as follows.
  • Phentermine may lead to allergic reactions during pregnancy stage.
  • You may feel abnormality in breathing.
  • Throat choking in pregnant women is a common side effect of the Phentermine.
  • It might lead in swelling of lips and face.
  • Phentermine may lead to risk of abnormal babies.
  • Phentermine may cause abnormal heartbeats and the risk of high blood pressure.
  • Headache and the dizziness occur in case of pregnant women due to Phentermine.
  • Diarrhea and constipation are other minor side effects of the Phentermine, in case of pregnancy.
  • The common and minor side effects in pregnancy are soar throat, confusion, anxiety, insomnia and the abnormal taste.
  • There is also a risk of impotency due to the Phentermine.
Basically Phentermine is a type of medication that is used for reducing the appetite and obesity as it simulates the nervous systems in case of pregnant cases.
In general, Phentermine is not recommended for pregnant women as losing weight may lead to under-weight babies or with abnormality such as neural defect in which the spinal has abnormality. In case of such problems, it is better to get examined to have a healthy baby. The examinations or tests recommended by the doctor are ultrasound examination, which enables to check the physical behavior of the baby in mothers' womb. Even this ultrasound can provide complete details of the head and the spinal cord of the baby. In such cases Phentermine should be stopped immediately.
Women who breast-feed their babies should also avoid taking Phentermine as the contents may pass on to the baby through the milk and may affect the health of baby. Tremors and agitation may occur in baby due to breast milk because the main function of Phentermine is to stimulate the central nervous system and that may lead to side effects. Before breast-feeding, mothers who plan to take the dose of Phentermine, should consult with the doctor.
All of the above information regarding side effects and disorders during pregnancy is only a guideline and not to be treated as authority for the Phentermine users. Readers are advised to discuss the issues with their doctor before opting for Phentermine.

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How To Deal With Bad Circulation During Pregnancy

The circulatory system undergoes several changes during pregnancy. One of the most frequently-encountered problems which women face during the second and third trimesters is bad circulation in pregnancy, particularly leg cramps. This sudden stiffening of the leg muscles can sometimes be very painful. The reasons for developing such cramps during pregnancy are not clear; however changes in blood circulation during pregnancy, the stress on the leg muscles caused by carrying the extra weight of the baby are cited as probable factors contributing to the cramps.
While bad circulation in pregnancy does not pose a threat, if it is accompanied by redness, swelling or a warm feeling, you should consult your doctor. There are very simple exercises which could help you prevent leg cramps during pregnancy. Stretching your legs before you go to sleep could help in the reduction of stress on your leg muscles. When you straighten your legs, you must stretch your heels first and do some circular motions with your toes, clock and anti clock-wise. While doing the exercises, avoid pointing your toes.
The other thing you need to avoid is to remaining one position, standing or sitting, for a long period of time. Being in one position would restrict the blood flow and can cause circulatory problems. During pregnancy, some simple but effective exercises like walking promotes blood circulation. Leg cramps can also be treated with gentle massage or application of a warm towel round the legs
It is not uncommon to feel a bit light-headed during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that during this period, the cardiovascular system can undergo some very quick changes, with heart rate going up and the heart pumping more blood per minute. Even the quantum of blood in your body increases by 40 to 45%. During normal pregnancy, you would experience a reduction in blood pressure during the early stages. This reaches its lowest point some time in the middle of pregnancy and then starts to rise till it reaches normal level at the end of pregnancy. While the cardiovascular and the nervous system can handle these changes, at times it fails to do so and it can result in a feeling of dizzy and light-headed. So long as you do not faint as a result of this light-headedness there is no cause for worry. You just have to lie down so that you do not fall down and hurt yourself. If you are in a place where lying down is not possible, you could sit down for some time and try to put your head between your knees.
One of the ways you could prevent this feeling of light-headedness during pregnancy is to always try to lie down on your left, as then it is easy for the blood to flow to your heart and the brain. Here is some more information on the causes of light-headedness during pregnancy and how you can prevent them:
Never change your body position too fast. For instance, if you are lying down, do not get up too fast and if you are sitting, do not stand up with a jerk.
When you are stationary in one position, keep on twirling your legs from one position to the other. This will promote circulation.
Avoid lying down on your back during the second and third semesters. This affects the blood circulation negatively. Your heart rate will increase, blood pressure may drop and you may feel light-headed, dizzy or nausea. Instead it is safer to lie on your side than flat on the back.
Drink enough fluids and eat properly. When you do not eat well, your blood sugar level drops and result in your feeling dizzy and uneasy. If you do not feel like eating at the right time, keep on having small quantities of food at regular intervals.
Iron deficiency anemia is responsible for having fewer amounts of blood cells to carry the oxygen to your brain. Make your diet iron-rich so that you have enough blood to feed your heart and brain.
WARNING: Do you or someone you know suffer from cramping in the legs/buttocks, swelling of the legs, tingling or loss of feeling in the legs, arms or feet? If so, it may be due to Poor Circulation [] If so, you MUST read The Self Care Guide To Circulation Problems [] Don't delay, as circulation problems can be life threatening. Visit now, to find out: []


Thyroid and Pregnancy - How the Thyroid Affect Your Pregnancy

Many pregnant mothers do see any correlation between thyroid and pregnancy and so don't think it is necessarily important to undergo thyroid diagnostic check before or during pregnancy. Experienced obstetricians will always ask for blood test because there's almost no clear difference between the symptoms of early pregnancy like; insomnia, fatigue, weight gain, lethargy and constipation and that of a thyroid disease, like hypothyroidism whose symptoms in women include; insomnia, nervousness, weight gain, breast milk formation, constipation, sleeping more, loss of energy, severe fatigue, and depression just to name but few. Although, thyroid disease in pregnancy is not too prevalent- about 2-4% of the US population, however, that is still a significant number of the population.
The truth is that it is absolutely necessary to undergo a thyroid test before and during pregnancy. It is every pregnant mother's dream to have a healthy baby, because the health of the baby must always be prioritized. Apart from other possible diseases, a thyroid disease that is not seriously dealt with in pregnancy could have very serious ramifications on the unborn child. For example, a thyroid disease like hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) that is untreated could result in prematurity, placental abruption- a situation where the lining of the placental separate from the mother's uterus, pre-eclampsia-this refers to a pregnancy induced hypertension. The child may also develop deafness, mental retardation and muteness. That's why the relationship between thyroid and pregnancy cannot be ignored or treated with triviality.
A proper diagnosis is as much very important, either before or during pregnancy-even if your doctor fails to mention it; you have to discuss it with him/her as the case maybe. Oftentimes, women with hyperthyroidism experience difficulty getting pregnant as ovulation can be problematic. However, if discovered early and treated well, fetal pregnancy complications can be avoided. In a case where a woman has thyroid disease before pregnancy- close monitoring by a qualified doctor or endocrinologist should be followed while adjustments is made to treatment and medication throughout the pregnancy. Some women with thyroid problems during pregnancy can develop diabetes later in life.
There are cases where pregnant mothers with mild to moderate hypothyroidism are treated fairly easily and if properly managed; their babies would not experience any significant problems. At the end of these therapies, most mothers feel well and even much better than before. A mother diagnosed with hypothyroid disease during her pregnancy should undergo therapy as soon as possible because it is imperative to restore her thyroid hormone levels back for the health of mother and baby.
In some cases of thyroid and pregnancy, it could be Hyperthyroidism during Pregnancy. This is a condition when thyroid gland over produce hormones (T4 or thyroxine and T3 or triiodothyroine) usually caused by overactive tissue within the thyroid. Symptoms among others include morning sickness. Normally, pregnant women with hyperthyroidism are given anti-thyroid medication as part of treatment at the initial stage. The patient is monitored constantly and treatments changes depending on the reaction and condition of the pregnancy.


Early Pregnancy Testing - 6 Rules to Follow

When it comes to pregnancy testing many women want to take a test as early as possible. At the same time, they don't want to waste money on a test just to find out they are not pregnant. Waiting for your period to start can be nerve wracking, but staring at a big white blank space on a pregnancy test can be just as upsetting.
Pregnancy tests have come a long way. You used to have to wait for your period to be late before you could get an accurate result on a pregnancy test but the new tests they have now are pretty darn sensitive. In fact, some of them are even more sensitive than the urine test you would take at your doctor's office. If you are like me and want to take a pregnancy test early - before your period is late - here are some rules you should follow.
Early Pregnancy Testing Rules to Follow:
Rule number 1: Know when you have ovulated. If you want to test early you really have to know when you ovulated. The best way to determine when you have ovulated is to keep a bbt chart but you can also use an ovulation prediction test to give you a good idea of when ovulation took place. The reason this is important to know your ovulation date is because if you ovulate later, your period will also be later. A late ovulation would push back the date of when you would be able to get a positive test as well.
Rule number 2: Use a sensitive name brand test like First Response Early Results or Clear Blue Easy. There are several over the counter brand pregnancy tests designed for testing early. When you purchase your pregnancy tests look carefully at the package and make sure that it says you can use it up to five days before your period is due.
Rule number 3: Don't start testing earlier than 10 days past ovulation (or at the very earliest 5 days before your period is due). Even though you want to test early, taking a test too close to ovulation will just lead to frustration. Before you can get a positive test, implantation needs to occur. Implantation generally takes place around 7 to 10 days after ovulation. Once the egg has implanted, your body will begin producing hCG. This is the hormone that pregnancy tests are looking for. Generally after implantation, it takes about 2 or 3 days before you start making enough hCG to show up on a home pregnancy test.
Rule number 4: Use first morning urine. Most of the newer pregnancy tests do not require you to use first morning urine. However, when you are testing early, first morning urine may be helpful. First morning urine is usually more concentrated and is best for early pregnancy testing.
Rule number 5: Don't read the results of a pregnancy test after the time limit. Read the manufacturer's instructions on when to read the test results. It is possible to see a faint colorless line, or an evaporation line, if you read a test after the time limit. There are two places for dye to cling to on a home pregnancy test - one is for the control line and the other is for the test line. Sometimes urine can leave a stain where the test line would have developed. This stain can sometimes be confused as a positive result.
Rule number 6: Don't get discouraged if your test comes back negative. Being an anxious and early tester may give you an early start on knowing if you are pregnant, but you are also more likely to get a negative result if you test really early. If you test negative and your period isn't late, don't worry. You may have miscalculated when your period was due, ovulated later than usual, implanted late, or your urine just might not have been concentrated enough. Wait a couple days if you get a negative test and try again.
Patty Hone is a wife and mother to four kids. She is also the cofounder of For more information on pregnancy visit Also see our baby names data base for help choosing the perfect name for your baby.


Maternity or Pregnancy Insurance Options in North Carolina

If you are currently pregnant, your options, in order of desirability, are Medicaid, group insurance, and prepayment plans. After you are pregnant, it is not possible to issue an individual policy. Application will automatically be declined. If you are in the process of planning your pregnancy, the best options for minimizing your maternity costs are Medicaid, group insurance, individual insurance with Blue Cross Blue Shield, prepayment plans, in order of descending desirability.
The average total maternity charges submitted to Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina in 2007 was $20,015 per pregnancy 1. A patient may be required to pay this full amount, however many families negotiate with hospitals and providers to pay a discounted rate when the only option is to pay out of pocket.
When planning to cover the costs of maternity the four primary options in North Carolina are as follows:
1. Group maternity insurance coverage. This is often the most advantageous way to pay for maternity costs because many group policies cover maternity for all females on the policy without an additional rider. Also, if you are already pregnant, and don't meet the income requirements for Medicaid, this is your best shot at getting your pregnancy covered by an insurance company. Additionally, some group policies do not consider pregnancy a preexisting condition, so this is a good option to consider if you are already pregnant.
After the charges have been submitted to the insurance company, it is worthwhile to ask the hospital if you can get a discount by paying the deductible in full as opposed to making payments over time. I am aware of instances where the deductible has been discounted for a prompt payment in full.
2. Individual maternity insurance coverage with Blue Cross Blue Shield. At the date of this writing, I am only aware of one individual health insurance company in North Carolina that offers coverage for maternity. The company is Blue Cross Blue Shield and the policies are Blue Advantage® and Blue Options HSA sm. I am not aware of any individual health insurance policy that will cover you after you are already pregnant. HumanaOne previously offered an individual maternity policy, but has since discontinued it. I am generally skeptical of small health insurance companies, if you are even able to find one that offers maternity, because they are often on tight budgets and as a result their policies often contain ungainly loopholes.
The Blue Cross Blue Shield individual policy is somewhat similar to a prepayment plan through a hospital, as the premiums for adding the maternity rider are fairly substantial. However, the benefit of the policy is that, in the event of a pregnancy that involves complications, your costs are much more predictable. Pregnancies with complications are often significantly more expensive than a normal delivery, so this option is more desirable than a straight prepayment plan.
Blue Cross Blue Shield's maternity plan uses the deductible and coinsurance of the plan it is attached to, so it is important to evaluate the varying cost of maternity riders within the context of the deductible and coinsurance of each plan. For example, suppose the maternity rider for a plan was $350 per month. Suppose this plan has a $2,500 deductible with 100% coinsurance. Now the total cost for the pregnancy over the course of a year is $350 times 12 months = $4,200 + the $2,500 deductible = $6,700 for the pregnancy. Now, suppose a second plan had a maternity rider for $450 per month. Suppose this plan has a $1,500 deductible with 100% coinsurance. Now the pregnancy would cost $450 times 12 months = $5,400 + the $1,500 deductible = $6,900. With this hypothetical scenario, the first option is better even though the deductible is higher. The purpose of this example is the illustrate the importance of paying attention to how much it costs to lower your deductible.
With Blue Cross Blue Shield's maternity plan, it is also important to plan the timing of the pregnancy. The individual deductible reset every January 1st, so it is best to start a maternity policy at the beginning of the year and start trying to get pregnant at that point. Otherwise, the pregnancy will overlap calender years and you may have to meet your deductible more than once.
3. Medicaid maternity coverage. Visit the NC state Medicaid website for current income eligibility requirements.
4. Prepayment plans. I you are already pregnant, a prepayment plan is a last resort. In this case, you should contact the prenatal and delivery caregivers to negotiate a prepay rate. Many hospitals offer discounts for paying out of pocket in advance. When conducting prepayment negotiations it is important to be very specific about what is covered by the arrangement and if the price includes complications of pregnancy, or only normal delivery.
Overall, from a financial perspective, Medicaid is typically the least expensive option, followed by group insurance. Individual maternity with Blue Cross Blue Shield is the third most desirable as a measure to minimize the cost of unexpected complications of pregnancy. The fourth option is the prepayment plan negotiated directly with the provider.


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Double the Trouble - Twin Pregnancy

Double the Trouble. No one in my family had twins, so as you can image it was a big shock when I found out I had two babies growing in me at the same time. Remembering the day the doctor told us always brings a smile to my face. As he was doing the usual ultrasound during my 3rd month, he says in a calm voice. "Here is the baby's heart", then moving to another location, "and here is the other baby's heart." Just as I did then, I still stop breathing for a minute. Although extremely excited I was also very scared. I didn't know what to expect of the pregnancy, delivery, and oh my gosh how was I going to take care of two babies?
No one can truly prepare you for twins but I am going to try to help some.
Double the Symptoms.
You are probably wondering what pregnancy symptoms you will have. The majority of twin moms had the same symptoms as a normal pregnancy, just multiplied.
Double the Nausea. As I, many women experience increased nausea and vomiting, referred to as morning sickness. If you have severe vomiting and can't keep any liquids down for over 48 hours you should contact your doctor. They may want to hook you up to an IV to keep you hydrated. Lack of hydration can lead to pre-term labor.
Double the Size. Maybe not exactly double but definitely bigger. One sure symptom for a twin pregnancy is a bigger belly. Expect to gain is about 1 pound per week, or about 40 pounds for a full twin pregnancy. Weight gain for a single pregnancy is normally 25 pounds. You may want to eat especially healthy when carrying twins. You don't want to get too big. Too much weight can push you into pre-term labor. Many women complain that the sleepless nights were multiplied to what at the time felt like a million times. Since your stomach will grow significantly larger than a normal pregnancy you can expect to be pretty uncomfortable.
Double the Movements. Yes, you can expect more movement. Many women pregnant with twins experience more movement than normal. You may feel a kick at the top of your stomach and at the same time as one in your back. My four year old and I used to love to lay on my back and just watch them move. "It's an earthquake in your tummy" he would say. It is normal for the movement to slow down later in your pregnancy since there won't be much room for them to move. I highly suggest watching a movie on twin development in the womb. It is truly amazing to watch them interact. Also consider getting a 3d ultrasound video done.
Double the Ultrasounds. One of my personal favorites. Ultrasounds are used more often in twin pregnancy to watch out for potential problems. An early ultrasound with twins is needed to establish the due date and to see if they are developing in separate amniotic sacs. If they share the same sac there are more risk and complications. Fortunately, this is a rare occurrence with twins, only about 1% of all twins. Ultrasound is an excellent way to comparing the sizes of the twins. One baby may be slightly larger but hopeful not too much. Sometimes one baby will steal from the other.
Double the Complications. Twin pregnancies are at a much higher risk of premature labor. They are also at risk for low birth weight, gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, toxemia of pregnancy, and complications of delivery.
Premature Labor. Premature is anything less than 37 weeks completed. Over 60% of all twins will deliver prematurely. Most of these premature deliveries occur after 34 weeks, in which case the overall long-term risks to the babies are quite rare. Deliveries before 34 weeks, especially those before 32 weeks, can result in low birth weight, and increased risks of permanent disabilities such as cerebral palsy, mental retardation, hearing or vision problems. The best timing for delivery of twins is earlier than the actual due date. Keeping them in until the due date may result in larger babies, but also further increases the risks of placental complications, labor-related complications, and delivery -related complications. The ideal timing for delivery of twins is from 37 1/2 to 38 weeks pregnancy.
Signs of premature labor include: cramps, contractions, and menstrual pains, increasing pelvic or vaginal pressure, increasing low back pain, heavy vaginal discharge, vaginal spotting or bleeding, rectal pressure. If you experience any of these signs you should contact your doctor. Better safe than sorry.
Double the Delivery. The likelihood of you having a vaginal delivery with your twins is about 50%. In order for your doctor to consider a vaginal delivery both babies need to be head down; both should weigh more than 4-5 pounds and be more than 35-36 weeks gestation. They should be similar in size with no evidence of growth problems. No other pregnancy complications should be present such as high blood pressure or low placenta. Twin deliveries usually occur in an operating room with personnel standing by prepared at any moment for an emergency cesarean section. Twins born from cesarean section are usually both about 1 minute apart. Many consider cesarean section to be a better option for twin births since if complication arrives they are better prepared. This is however something you should talk about with your doctor.
I experienced toxemia, often referred to as preeclampsia, which led me to an emergency cesarean section. I was scared out of my mind but when all was said and done they wheeled me down to the operating room at 34 weeks. 5 minutes after the epidural was given, my baby boys were born. Everyone's experience is different. Just be sure to find a doctor you trust and who will keep you as informed as possible.
Double the Questions. Get prepared now. Everyone is going to want to know are they?
Fraternal Twins. Fraternal twins occur when a women ovulates more than one egg a month. Two babies are born of the same pregnancy that was fertilized by two separate eggs and two separate sperm. Fraternal twins may be of the same or opposite sex and will differ genetically as well as in appearance. Fraternal twins resemble each other the same as any other sibling. Two-thirds of twins are fraternal.
Identical Twins. Identical twins medically occur when an ovum splits during early embryonic development, resulting in two offspring of the same pregnancy. Identical twins are always of the same sex, have the same genetic makeup, possess identical blood groups and will resemble each other physically. Only one-third of all twins are identical.
Do twins run in your families? When having twins, parents often find themselves subject to questions regarding genetics and the birth of their twins. The twins that run in families are fraternal twins. Since releasing more than one egg during ovulation is a trait that tends to run in families. Identical twins come from the same egg and do not run in families. There is no concrete link between a genetic inheritance and identical twins, as no one knows when or why certain eggs will split to cause twins while others do not.

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Tips to Prevent Too Much Pregnancy Weight Gain

It is a common belief for women that pregnancy is a reason to eat more and gain more weight. While it is recommended to eat more nutritious food for your baby's nourishment, it is still crucial to monitor your weight and diet to prevent too much pregnancy weight gain. Being overweight during pregnancy is not only uncomfortable and unhealthy; but it will also make you feel unattractive. Too much weight gain can also cause some health problems for you and your baby.
Maintaining a good weight is always a problem for women and to prevent weight problems, you have to watch your weight during pregnancy. Gaining weight during pregnancy should be monitored and you should follow the recommended weight gain by your health provider to prevent too much pregnancy weight gain. For overweight women, recommended weight gain is 15-25 pounds and for underweight women, it should be within 28-40 pounds. If you have a normal weight before pregnancy, you still need to gain weight between 25-35 pounds.
Here are some tips to prevent too much pregnancy weight gain:
Avoid junk food to prevent too much pregnancy weight gain. It is tempting to eat junk food but remember that you will only get excess calories from junk food which is not good for you and for your baby's nourishment. Although you need calories for your baby's growth, there are healthy sources of calories like wholegrain bread, milk and low fat yogurt.
Drink a lot of water. Pregnant women need a lot of water to keep hydrated. About 8-10 cups a day is recommended. Drinking enough water will also boost your metabolism and prevent too much pregnancy weight gain.
Eat a well balanced diet. Your health provider should advise you with the right diet to remain healthy and prevent too much pregnancy weight gain. You may be recommended to increase folic acid, iron and other minerals and vitamins needed for pregnant women. Stay away from processed foods and concentrate on healthy nutritious foods like fruits, vegetables, meat, fish etc. It is important that you eat different kinds of healthy foods to get all the vitamins and nutrients you need. A well balanced diet will keep you healthy and prevent too much pregnancy weight gain.
Physical activities. It's important for you to have a physical activity suited for pregnant women and get rid of unwanted fats. You do not have to be a couch potato; there are exercises safe for you and the baby. Physical activities will help you remain fit and healthy to prevent too much pregnancy weight gain.
Keeping a good shape while pregnant will not only make you feel good about yourself but it is also good for you and your baby's health. You don't have to go through pregnancy feeling overweight, uncomfortable and unattractive.


Ovarian Cysts and Pregnancy: Get Treated to Avoid Complications

Ovarian cysts are small sacs filled with fluid which are located in the ovaries. Most don't cause any distress but some grows and causes health dilemmas such as rupture, hemorrhage and pelvic discomforts. Cysts are normal in women as long as they don't cause any problem. Most of them are nonmalignant and may disappear over time without treating them. Ovarian cysts and pregnancy should be discuss to expecting mothers since one risk of ovarian cysts is when a woman becomes pregnant and complications occur.
Effect in pregnancy
There are several types of cysts but two types pose a risk in pregnancy. They are the cystadenoma and endometrioma. Cystadenoma is filled with mucus and causes agonizing pain when a woman becomes pregnant because it gets larger and larger that could interfere with the growing fetus. The endometrioma grows on the lining of the uterus. It also causes pain and even hemorrhage during labor or circumstances that affect the endometrium, such as stress, contractions and hormones. Rupture of cysts could cause internal bleeding which is detrimental to both baby and mother. Any danger to the mother could affect the baby and vice versa.
During pregnancy, hormones are actively increasing to support the development of fetus. Estrogen promotes the thickening of the uterine wall, thus making endometriomas bigger. On childbirth, contractions occur to expel the baby, endometriomas could be sloughed off and cause hemorrhage. Blood loss could kill the mother in no time.
Early detection is extremely important to have a safe pregnancy. Treatment of cysts during pregnancy can already be dangerous since any maneuver to remove the cyst could affect the baby in the womb. While still not pregnant, it is better to have cysts treated. Regular visits your doctor is necessary to all women of childbearing age even with no signs and symptoms of disease. They can be diagnosed through hormonal level tests of Luteinizng hormone, Follicle-stimulating hormone and Estradiol; imaging studies such as ultrasound, MRI and CT scan; and laparoscopy.
Before proceeding to invasive procedures, most women with ovarian cysts start with medications. Usually, doctors prescribe oral contraceptives to help normalize the menstrual cycle. Regulation of cycle inhibits follicle formation and development. These follicles become cysts when affected by hormones. Formed cysts are shrunk.
When cysts aren't controlled by medications, the last resort is surgery. It may either be laparascopic surgery or laparotomy. In laparoscopic surgery, two small incisions are made in to the abdomen. A laparoscope is used which is a device with camera. When it is inserted through the abdomen, it shows the image on the screen of the inside of the abdomen into the ovary. The doctor does the incision using other instruments on the other incision. In laparotomy, one long incision is done by cutting through the abdominal layers until the ovary is reached. Both procedures are done to remove the cysts.
Medications and surgery when done during pregnancy could be harmful to the baby. Any stress felt by the mother could affect the baby. Most medications ingested by the mother will cross the placenta and will have adverse effect to the baby. Surgery entails blood loss that could deplete the blood going to the baby affecting its growth and development.


Treatment For Middle Back Pain During Pregnancy

Middle back pain during pregnancy is something that many women have come to accept as normal. Though not quite as common as lower back pain, it still afflicts a large number of women, especially in the later stages of pregnancy. Fortunately, there are some options for treatment for middle back pain. Middle back pain during pregnancy occurs primarily as the stomach expands and the growing baby inside starts pushing against the ribs. This pressure alone can be quite painful, but it is usually accompanied by some other problems. The uterus expands not just out, but up, so pressure is put on the diaphragm, making it difficult to breathe at times. In addition, the pressure can pinch the nerves in the diaphragm, sending shooting pains into your shoulders.
During pregnancy, your body produces a hormone called relaxing. This is generated specifically to prepare your body for childbirth. Muscles and ligaments are loosened and relaxed, and your ribs are allowed to expand outward. This alone can cause pain and discomfort. However, as with any other type of back discomforts, there are some simple ways to prevent it, and provide relief once you have it.
The best treatment for middle back discomfort is to perform stretches regularly. These have the effect of lifting the ribs away from the uterus, providing at least momentary relief from the pressure. Consider practicing prenatal yoga, as that comprises stretches that are specially designed for the challenges pregnant women face.
Middle back discomfort during pregnancy can also be treated with some alternative measures. You might consider visiting an acupuncturist. They are trained to use the body's pressure points to help alleviate pain. An acupuncturist in general can do all kinds of things to make your pregnancy easier. The same is true of a chiropractor. A chiropractic adjustment, or series of adjustments, can help relax the muscles that get tightened due to misalignments, thereby eliminating a great deal of pain and tension.
As with any other type of back pain, one of the best things you can do to eliminate middle back pain during pregnancy is to practice good posture. While walking, make sure your shoulders are back and your head is lifted. Be very conscious of how your stomach tends to pull you forward, and don't give in to the urge to arch your back. It may seem like the right thing to do at the time, but it will just create a whole host of other problems in the future.
Middle back trouble during pregnancy is unpleasant to deal with, especially if you are already experiencing problems with the rest of your back. But keep in mind that the best treatment for middle back pain is basically the same as it is for any other kind of back pain. Keep an eye on your posture, and do plenty of stretches to keep pressure off your ribs and other painful areas. If all else fails, look into treatment by a reputable acupuncturist or chiropractor. You might be surprised at how much better you'll feel after just a few treatments.


Very Early Sign And Symptom Of Pregnancy - Initial Signs Of Pregnancy

Watch out for very early sign and symptom of pregnancy. These symptoms are your body's way of responding to the changes those occur to support growth of your fetus. Therefore, if you are planning pregnancy, it is imperative for you to know about all the pregnancy symptoms that you are likely to experience at the primitive stage of pregnancy.
Primitive Signs Of Pregnancy
If you are getting pregnant, you must be prepared to experience an array of symptoms, as follows -
1. Missed period - Often a missed period is considered a sure very early sign and symptom of pregnancy. However, your periods can be delayed under the condition excessive stress or as side effects of medication. However, if you use this missed period as an alarm of pregnancy, then you have for a long while and till then you are already pregnant by many weeks.
2. Vaginal spotting - Vaginal spotting marks slight vaginal bleeding after the few days of conceiving. You may notice little bleeding in the form of pinkish color because of the implantation of the fertilized egg at the inner lining of the uterus. This is an early sign of pregnancy.
3. Changes in breast and areola - This symptom of pregnancy is one of the surest signals sent by your body. Your breasts show significant changes during the earliest stage of pregnancy. These changes may include getting enhanced, feeling tenderness, pain and more sensitive. The areolas also show prominent changes as they become darker and show varicose veins surrounding the area.
4. Nausea and queasiness - Pregnant women tend to feel queasy and discomforts of nausea in the morning or even throughout the day. To alleviate discomforts of queasiness and nausea, stay away from some particular odors or flavors of foods that arouses this morning sickness or vomiting symptom. You are prone to avert from the foods you used to die for! Likewise, there are some foods most of the pregnant women crave for such as those greasy foods, chocolate ice creams, sardine sandwiches etc. This way you can deal with this early pregnancy symptom.
5. Increased discharge - If you experience a sizeable amount of increase in discharge, you may presume it as a very early sign and symptom of pregnancy. Such increased vaginal discharge is a result of formation of mucus plug as to keep the womb at a safe distance from bacteria infections and toxins. Such discharge marks no harm until and unless it is shown as greenish or grayish and contain foul odor. Call for your doctor, if you happen to observe such vaginal discharges.
6. Increased fatigue - an enormous degree of tiredness and fatigue may often dominate early stage of pregnancy. Low blood pressure during early trimester of pregnancy causes this tremendous degree of exhaustion and often leads women to take a nap. They must take care of themselves as they might faint due to this low blood pressure, which is an early sign of pregnancy.
7. Frequent urination - Because your uterus gets enlarged day by day to accommodate your baby, you may need to rush to the loo now and then and very frequently. In the early stages of pregnancy, frequent urination is your body's response to hormonal changes and in later period, heavier uterus leads your bladder to release urination frequently.
Pay attention to the very early signs and symptoms of pregnancy to detect both progress and complications of pregnancy.


Pregnancy Foot Massage

As a pregnancy massage specialist, one of the question I am often asked by clients is 'is foot massage during pregnancy safe?' There seems to be a large amount of confusion around this question so this article hopes to shed some light on the matter.
According to traditional Chinese medicine, there are a number of acupressure points in the feet and ankle which are believed to help induce a natural labour. This often deters women from receiving a foot massage in pregnancy because they are worried about the consequences of bringing on a premature labour. However, although these points exist and can help overdue women start labour and manage its progression and pain there is no need to fear these points being stimulated in a general foot massage during pregnancy.
To get a response from these acupressure points they needed to be treated in a specific way and with firm pressure over a prolonged period of time. In fact, to be effective, the pressure on the points needs to be almost painful, so you would definitely feel discomfort before accidentally triggering an early labour. The two sides of the body also need to be symmetrically stimulated. The kind of foot massage that you will receive from a pregnancy massage or pedicure will not focus enough on these points to elicit a response.
Nonetheless, it is recommended to seek out a therapist who has training in pregnancy massage. Although foot massage and pregnancy is safe, receiving a specific pregnancy foot massage from a qualified therapist means they not only know the points to avoid but understand the discomforts and symptoms of pregnancy and the best way to treat them.
Numerous changes that occur during pregnancy, such as hormonal and structural changes and weight gain, to name a few, impact on the feet and lower leg causing sore and achy feet, swelling and cramps. For this reason it is disappointing that there is confusion and anxiety surrounding foot massage during pregnancy as it can actually help to alleviate and manage some of these symptoms.
It's important for women to look after themselves during pregnancy. Pregnancy can be a trying time, and women need to find safe and natural ways to help to reduce their symptoms and maintain a healthy physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. Thankfully pregnancy foot massage can be added to the list of safe treatments, and it's a wonderful way for expectant mothers to enjoy a bit of 'me time'.


Teen Pregnancy Solutions

We are living in a world today, a world with innovation and liberty. It is a fact that the new generation is always on the stage of discovery. They tend to try different things especially when it comes to sex; we must admit that teens are curious about it. Statistics say that the rate of birth in teenagers has risen to 200 percent since the 60's, and one out of four women gets pregnant at the age of 18 and half of it will be pregnant by the age of 21. If this is the case, parents must be cautious in educating their children about teen pregnancy.
Reasons of pregnancy:
Experts say that several reasons affects teen pregnancy. One of the main reasons is because they believe that the baby will bring changes in their lives like having some friends or getting closer to their families and their boyfriend. But what they don't know is that having a baby adds more responsibility to their life. Pregnancy is a life changing experience. Parents must tell their children that pregnancy is not just a game of playhouse; they must instill in their kids that pregnancy is not a solution to a problem, or should be used as an excuse for rebellion. Pregnancy will change their lives for a lifetime.
Effects to a country:
Many countries have been promoting contraceptives and safe sex for teens, largely because of the astounding inflation in population rate these past decades. One good example of this is the Red China. They implemented the two child policy because of over population. If a citizen is expecting a third child, the mother is obliged to abort the baby or they will be executed for violating the law. That is why authorities in China are usually one of the top rated users of pregnancy test like the elisa kits test to determine pregnancy among its women early on.
Statistics say that population in China has risen to 2 billion in the 90s alone. The government is in the verge of scarcity of resources and famine if this would continue. It is believe that, if all people in China will jump together, it would cause an earthquake in the Pacific and may cause catastrophe to nearby countries. A seemingly hilarious idea, but would actually cause serious impact if taken seriously.
Teenagers are always curious when it comes to sex. They would do anything just to ease their selfish pleasure and we cannot hold them back if they are determined to do it. Teenagers are usually common buyers of pregnancy kits or elisa kits. At such an early age, they already know what to do and what tests to perform when suspecting pregnancy. So, before innocent flirting and youthful adventures lead to pregnancy, parents should make them understand the responsibilities and consequences of pre-marital sex.
Many Christians are against sex education because they claim that it is immoral to teach young children about sex. This practice will lose their innocence if they would be exposed to such immorality. In my own opinion, sex education must be taught at home and in schools. It is the best place for such topics where teenagers would best grasp the underlying cost and gain sex.
Take note that abortion is not a solution to teen pregnancy. If you would know the side effects of abortion you would think twice before doing it. It is said that abortion can poison the mother if some parts of the child that has been aborted is left inside the mother's womb.
I would take the big NO to abortion because it not only unethical but against morality as well.
Kimberly Stiff is 23 years old, a student and a blogger who likes to post informative articles about the items she had found out over the web, such as the Elisa Kits. As an online seller herself, she sells different items such as gadgets, clothing and other techie products on the net. She is from South East Asia and likes to help or inform others through the articles she makes, inspired by some of her friends' experiences and the people around her. She also likes making multiplies and other sites beside her blogs.


When Can You Get a DNA Test During Pregnancy?

The DNA of the child has many clues as to what information the child will be born with. These clues can be uncovered and the information extracted by performing a DNA test during pregnancy. Advancement of technology has enabled to get a child's DNA tested even before the child is born.
A DNA test is done during pregnancy to test the DNA of the unborn child. Amongst the many reasons as to why a DNA test of the unborn child may be required is testing the paternity of the child. Other reasons include testing for abnormalities and inherited genetic diseases.
A DNA test of the unborn child can be done during pregnancy during the period between 10 to 24 weeks after conception. The method of sample collection is different for different ages of the developing baby.
If your pregnancy is between 10 to 13 weeks after conception, the method used to collect the sample for DNA Testing is chorionic villus sampling. In this procedure your doctor will insert a thin needle or a fine tube guided by ultrasound, into the womb through the vagina and cervix to obtain a sample of chorionic villi. The sample obtained will then be tested and analyzed.
If you are between 14 to 24 weeks pregnant, the method used to collect the baby's sample will be by amniocentesis. This procedure also involves inserting a needle into the womb. In this procedure the needle will be guided by ultrasound and inserted though the abdomen to draw a small amount of amniotic fluid. The child's DNA Test will be done on this fluid sample.
If you are more then 24 weeks pregnant, the risk of damaging your unborn baby while collecting the sample for testing is significant. So, doctors advise to stay till your baby is born to get the test done. After the birth of your baby, several methods can be used to take a sample from the baby.
When your child's paternity is in doubt or when you want to be one hundred percent sure who the father of your child is, you can get the DNA Test done to confirm or negate any doubts you have.
If you are getting the DNA of your unborn baby tested solely for the purpose of establishing paternity, doctors do not encourage this test to be done before your child is born. This is because both the methods of sample collection pose some risk to the unborn baby. And if you wait till your baby is born, samples can be collected without any risks to the baby.
Even though you can get a DNA test done during your pregnancy, you should weigh the risks and the benefits before you decide to go on with your testing.


The Various Kinds of Pregnancy Complications

Pregnancy is the most beautiful time of a woman's life. However, if complications arise, it could also be the most dreadful experience. There are many kinds of pregnancy complications, which a woman can go through. Here are the most common and serious problems of them all:
Placental Abruption
Placental Abruption is a problem, which occurs when the uterus wall prematurely detaches the placenta. This problem usually occurs in women who suffer from high blood pressure. The placenta at this point can slacken off completely.
Bacterial Vaginosis
Bacterial Vaginosis is one of the most common pregnancy complications. Almost 30% of the pregnant women suffer from it, at some point or the other. This problem occurs due to an abnormal imbalance in the woman's vaginal bacteria. It is said to affect women through intercourse. However, there might be other reasons also. Bacterial Vaginosis can lead to a premature labor. Apart from that, it can also lead to miscarriages, rupture of membranes, and the like.
Ectopic Pregnancy:
Ectopic pregnancy is a one of the most dangerous pregnancy complications, which happens when an egg attaches itself in an area other than the uterus. Most of the ectopic pregnancies occur in the fallopian tube. This is a very problematic form of fertility and is common in women who get pregnant at a later age, have had an ectopic pregnancy before, or have had numerous abortions. An ectopic infertility has only one solution and that is abortion. If not detected on time it can lead to the death of the mother and the child.
Cholestasis of pregnancy
Cholestasis is a disease of the liver, which occurs only during pregnancy. The most common symptom of this disease is excessive itching. Cholestasis is a pregnancy complication that affects the flow of the bile. The flow is either completely or partially stopped, which leads to the production of bile acids inside the liver, that get spilled in the blood stream. Cholestasis can lead to premature birth and fetal distress.
Vaginal Bleeding:
Vaginal bleeding is very common in pregnant women in the first trimester of their getting pregnant, and it is not an issue. The problem becomes serious if the bleeding does not stop even in the second and the third trimester. Vaginal bleeding could indicate many serious conditions such as a miss carriage, molar or ectopic pregnancy, and the like.
Cervical Incompetence:
When the cerclage is incompetent in a woman then it may open up too early leading to a premature birth of the baby. According to the doctors, pregnant women who required a cerclage in one pregnancy will definitely require it again if they get pregnant in the future.


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Vomiting During Late Pregnancy

A woman's body changes when she is pregnant and in the last trimester because the baby is much bigger the mother may experience discomforts such as nausea, heartburn and vomiting during pregnancy. Because of the baby's size there isn't as much room in the mothers stomach for too much food but she should still ensure that she is eating because both her and her baby need the nutrients to maintain health. The mother should eat small meals and can try sitting in different positions to stop the pressure on the stomach which in turn will help to keep then nausea away.
If there is any pain or severe vomiting in the 3rd trimester then it needs to be checked out by a doctor because the cause may be a virus or some other illness. You will need to inform the doctor if you have been taking or doing anything to alleviate your vomiting.
Adequate consumption of water is very important during pregnancy. If you are vomiting a lot and are unable to keep water down then you should seek your doctor without delay. Inadequate water may cause dehydration and early labor. Severe morning sickness is known as Hyperemesis Gravidarum. Women who suffer from this condition experience severe nausea and vomiting constantly for the full term of their pregnancy right up to the day of the baby's birth.
This is a serious condition and the mother is at risk of becoming dehydrated, losing weight, unable to eat and provide the baby and herself with much need nutrients. The mother is unable to pursue normal daily activities. This in turn impacts on her baby. Her baby can become malnourished and dehydrated too and there is a risk of developing diabetes or heart disease later on in life. Because of all these risks, women experiencing Hyperemesis Gravidarum may need to be hospitalized for treatment. You need to seek medical treatment without delay.


MRSA During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, there are always concerns about any infection that can affect the unborn baby. For a pregnant woman who is a MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) carrier, which means she has the bacteria, but she doesn't have any symptoms, there is no risk to the baby. There may be risks to the baby when the mom has an infection and must be treated with strong antibiotics or require surgery. Risks to the baby will need to be weighed against the risks of MRSA to the pregnant woman.
MRSA Colonization
When MRSA is colonized, it is present, but doesn't cause an infection. A pregnant woman who has a colonization may be able to spread the bacteria even thought she doesn't have an infection or any symptoms. The most common place that MRSA colonizes is in the nose. It can also be found in urine, trachea, skin folds, rectum, arm pits, and groin.
MRSA Risks to Unborn Baby
A pregnant woman who has a MRSA infection does not have an increased risk of miscarriage or giving birth to a baby with birth defects. There are many antibiotics that are safe for pregnant women to take. As long as these are effective on treating the infection, there will be no risks to the unborn baby. A methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection that is not treated early may need stronger antibiotics or require surgery, which may have risks to the baby. To reduce risks, MRSA should be treated immediately.
When a pregnant woman has MRSA her health is compromised and she may be more susceptible to a secondary health issue that could affect the unborn baby.
Reducing MRSA Risks
The best way to reduce the risks of a MRSA infection is to avoid an infection. These are some ways a pregnant woman can prevent an infection:
- Wash hands regularly, especially if coming in contact with someone with a skin infection
- Shower after using shared exercise equipment
- Insist healthcare professionals wash their hands and use gloves before any contact
- Don't touch any surface that has been in contact with someone who has MRSA
- Keep open sores covered when in public places
- Build a strong immune system
During the birth, it will be important that the infected area doesn't come in contact with the newborn because it is a very contagious bacterium. The infected area can be covered and the baby's umbilical cord can be covered. An open wound or break in the skin is a possible entry point for MRSA bacteria.
It can be scary to have any illness or infection while pregnant, but over-all, there are minimal or no risks to the unborn baby when a pregnant woman has a MRSA infection.
Recognizing a MRSA Infection
To successfully treat MRSA with minimal or no affect on the unborn baby, MRSA should be diagnosed early. The signs and symptoms of a MRSA infection include the following:
- Pus filled skin infection
- Rash
- Bug bite looking bumps
- Boils
- Flu like symptoms
When MRSA has spread to the organs, the symptoms may be more severe like difficulty breathing or chest pains.
Prompt attention to skin infections and preventive action will reduce the risks of contracting MRSA and needing treatment while pregnant.


Safe Pregnancy Diet - A Comprehensive Guide For Mothers to Be

During the prenatal phase when your baby is developing inside your body and drawing nourishment from your body, you need to pay special attention to what you eat, so that the little darling inside you can derive proper, necessary and balanced nourishment. That is why during prepartum phase you need to be on a safe pregnancy diet as recommended by doctors.
Safe pregnancy diet
Your diet should be nutritious, well balanced and cover 5 basic food groups. Vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fats, proteins, dairy products, milk, fish, meat, other protein alternatives, eggs, soy, tofu, lentils, whole grain products, whole wheat bread, brown rice, brown bread, cereals, green and colored vegetables, fresh fruit, fresh fruit juice, plenty of water etc comprise a safe pregnancy diet.
Food items to avoid
For the sake of your baby you have to abstain from aerated drinks, alcohol, cola, soda, candies, cookies, cakes, pastries, sugary food products, hot chocolate, tea, coffee, oily spicy junk food, processed food like processed cheese, ready to eat processed dishes, canned food products. Along with this, you have to consume restricted amounts of salt.
Pregnancy dietary pattern
Try to eat as many varieties of food as possible.
Whatever you eat should be consumed in moderation.
Don't gain excessive weight by eating like a glutton.
It is better if you can replace 3 big meals with 6 smaller meals. This will relieve you from heart burn and nausea.
To ensure a healthy pregnancy you require a total of 2200 to 2800 calories per day.
Essential nutrients:
Pulses, legumes, peas, beans, oat bran, cereals, nuts, gram, brown rice, brown bread, vegetables, fruits, spinach, broccoli, arum, ladies finger etc can cure piles and constipation commonly experienced during pregnancy.
Vitamin C
Citrus fruits and vegetables are rich sources of vitamin C like guava, lime, lemon, oranges.
Vitamin E
This can be found in dairy products, milk, meat, eggs, soy, tofu, lentils, beans, peas, nuts, fish. Increase your intake of Vitamin B6 to maximize utilization of protein.
Folic acid
This is found in capsule form while the natural sources are raw or steamed green vegetables, fortified bread/cereal, citrus fruits, beans, yeast, liver, kale, spinach and other dark green leafy veggies.
To prevent bladder infection, UTI, excessive swelling, hemorrhoids, constipation and dehydration you need to drink 14 glasses of water daily or more. You can substitute water with lime juice, coconut water, sugar cane juice, freshly prepared fruit juice, milk, lassi, beverages made of milk products and nuts etc. This is a holistic and comprehensive safe pregnancy diet.


Cellulite During Pregnancy - 3 Tips to Get Rid of Cellulite During Pregnancy

The appearance of cellulite during pregnancy is a fairly common occurrence, much to the dismay of many expectant mothers. As if gaining weight, constant cravings, swollen feet and rapidly changing hormones weren't enough, many women also end up battling the unsightly bulges fondly referred to as "cottage cheese". Fortunately, there are ways to reduce and even get rid of this particular side effect of pregnancy, so pregnant women can take heart.
The first step in getting rid of cellulite is understanding what it is. Simply put, cellulite is a build up of fat deposits just under the skin which can cause the skin to bulge, creating the bumpy effect we all know and love. It can happen to anyone, though it is more common among women, and it is a common byproduct of pregnancy, when women tend to gain weight rapidly and become less active.
Though cellulite during pregnancy can be embarrassing and unsightly, the good news is that it usually corrects itself. Once the baby is born, your body will go back to its pre-pregnancy state and cellulite will disappear. For some women this offers little consolation, however, as they are not content to wait for nature to take its course. For these women, there are several tips they can follow to help get rid of cellulite.
First and foremost is the need to eat right. Allowing yourself to slip into poor eating habits during pregnancy is not good for you or your baby and it also leaves the door open for developing excess fat or cellulite. Now more than ever you need to maintain a healthy, balanced diet and be sure to get all the proper nutrients and limit fatty foods.
Along with diet, a second tip for getting rid of cellulite during pregnancy is to stay active. A common misconception is that pregnant women need to stop moving. Quite the opposite is true. There are many forms of exercise, including walking, yoga, and even some weight training, which are very good for pregnant women. By staying fit and active you can improve your own health and reduce fat build up, which will also result in a healthier baby.
If diet and exercise alone don't do the trick, a third tip is to consider pregnancy massage. Massaging the affected area can help to stimulate blood flow and break up fatty deposits, reducing the appearance of cellulite. You can even get your partner involved in this step for a relaxing, romantic moment to help relieve stress for both of you.
There are a number of products available on the market which claim to help rid you of cellulite during pregnancy. Creams, lotions and other "cure alls" may provide some help, but only maintaining a healthy life style, eating right and getting plenty of exercise will really give you long term results.
Nobody likes to deal with the issue of cellulite, whether during pregnancy or at any other time, but remember that it doesn't have to be permanent. You can reduce the appearance of cellulite and, especially during pregnancy, it can clear up on its own. So don't despair, just make sure you're living right and you can make cellulite a thing of the past!


Cramps and Nausea During Pregnancy

Cramps are one of the most common signs of pregnancy. They are also one of the first. Cramps can occur as early as 8 to 10 days after conception.
Cramps are familiar to all women who have been pregnant. Normally, these cramps feel exactly the same as menstrual cramps. The uterus has to expand to accommodate the growing fetus. When the pressure on the walls of the uterus increases excessively, cramps occur. As the pregnancy advances, you may experience cramps in your stomach and abdomen. This is because the digestive system starts adjusting to the new situation. Digestion slows down because food (fluids and nutrients) has to be passed on to the growing fetus.
In early pregnancy, cramps may be mild or severe. Cramps can also be caused due to hormonal changes that occur during the course of pregnancy. Levels of progesterone shoot up during pregnancy, and this may result in cramps.
Cramps can be relieved by applying heat or taking medication such as acetaminophen; however, you must consult a doctor before taking any medication during pregnancy.
Cramps in pregnancy can also be caused due to constipation. Since the process of digestion is slow during pregnancy, the body ends up adding more water to the bloodstream. This results in constipation and consequently cramping.
Excessive cramping can also be a sign of a serious condition called ectopic pregnancy. In this condition, the fertilized egg fails to reach the uterus and starts growing in the fallopian tubes. This can be painful and cause severe cramps. Though cramping is a normal sign of pregnancy, if it is accompanied by excessive bleeding, a doctor must be consulted.
Another common sign of pregnancy is nausea. Normally, nausea and vomiting occur between 5 and 15 weeks of pregnancy. Severity of nausea experienced varies for every woman. Mild nausea and vomiting during the course of pregnancy is termed as "morning sickness."
In most women, nausea is usually the worst in the 9th week of pregnancy, but improves in the third trimester.
Causes for nausea are attributed to psychological factors, changed hormone levels and adjustment of bodily organs and systems to the new situation. Other causes of nausea should also be considered, especially if vomiting starts after the 10th week of pregnancy and is accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, headache, high blood pressure, constipation or enlarged thyroid.
Mild nausea does not require treatment; however, if any of these symptoms are seen, a doctor must be contacted immediately:
1. Repeated vomiting especially with blood.
2. Symptoms of dehydration such as infrequent urination and darkened urine color.
3. Inability to ingest food or to keep it in for 12 hours.
4. Severe pelvic pain or abdominal cramping.
The aim of the treatment of pregnancy-related nausea is to allow the expectant mother to eat enough to get all the required nutrients.
Most women overcome cramps and nausea associated with pregnancy fairly well without requiring any medical treatment. Interestingly, it has been seen that women who experience mild nausea and vomiting during their pregnancy are less susceptible to miscarriages and stillbirths than women who don't show these symptoms.


IUI Symptoms of Pregnancy - Ten Clues

When trying to conceive, it is common to wonder every minute whether or not you are pregnant. And it may be especially the case when you have gone through a medical intervention, like IUI. Symptoms of pregnancy are what many women in the two week wait after an IUI are longing for. Let's take a look at some symptoms that are common to experience in early pregnancy.
It's wise to keep in mind that many of these indicators do not show up for all women, even when they are actually pregnant. This is why it's really important that you still take a pregnancy test in a couple of weeks, even if you aren't showing any of these signs.
One more thing to remember as you read through these clues: some of them are also PMS-like. Some women who have just gone through IUI will start to get really worried because they think that they are getting ready to start their next menstrual cycle when, really, their pregnancy symptoms just look like PMS. So, keeping all this in mind, here are the top ten clues that you might be pregnant:
10. Darkening areolas: This one seems really random, and it can be hard to catch unless you know your body really well. However, if the area around your nipples begins to get darker, it could mean that your body is preparing to feed a baby.
9. Food Cravings: Hormonal changes bring on food cravings in a lot of women. Just think about what you normally eat during your PMS/period! Many women experience cravings for particular foods when they are first pregnant, but you should be careful here, since cravings can also signal that your body is low on certain nutrients.
8. Backaches: Lower back aches don't just happen to women who have a big baby belly. They can actually set in during early pregnancy and stick around for most of the next nine months.
7. Headaches: This is another common symptom of hormonal changes in women, which is why many women get headaches around the time that they are starting their periods.
6. Sleepiness or Fatigue: Again, many people think that pregnant women would just get tired when they're carrying around a nine pound baby, but, actually, fatigue is a very common symptom for women who are at the very beginning of their pregnancies.
5. Sore or Heavy Breasts: This can be a really early symptom due to hormonal changes and changes in the way your blood is flowing when you're pregnant. Sometimes women notice this change within just a few days of conception.
4. Cramps: Yes, this can actually be a symptom of pregnancy, and unless you're getting really terrible cramps after IUI, you shouldn't worry. Sometimes women get cramps as soon as the egg implants into the uterine wall, and sometimes the cramps can be caused by the uterus beginning to stretch already.
3. Nausea: Sometimes newly-pregnant women don't experience full-on morning sickness this early in the pregnancy, but if you start to feel motion sickness or something like it when that is out of the ordinary for you, that could be a clue that you're pregnant.
2. Bloating: Get used to not being able to fit into your jeans now! Even if you don't get a baby belly for months, early pregnancy can cause hormonal adjustments that make you feel bloated for a while. The same problem with bloating can translate into an issue with constipation, too.
1. Difference in Your Period: This may seem obvious if we're talking about missing your period, but sometimes women can think they're getting a period when they're actually spotting because of implantation and early pregnancy. Light spotting is nothing to worry about if it doesn't last long, but if your period is much lighter or shorter than usual, pull out that pregnancy test.
Good luck!


You Can Avoid Pregnancy By Eating Certain Foods

It is not surprising that there are pretty many contraceptive means to consider when a couple prefers to avoid pregnancy in own interest. Though it is with own choice for some reason or other, taking prescription pills may have some unwanted consequences when frequently used. While there are wonderful foods to avoid pregnancy, why should you go for searching a gynecologist and drain your pocket savings? It is suggested here to choose eating certain foods as under mentioned as a safe way to avoid unwanted pregnancy.
Papaya: Papaya is one of the naturally available contraceptive foods. It is a traditional remedy that can help to avoid pregnancy naturally. It contains an enzyme called papain that interacts, as a catalyst, with progesterone and produces contraceptive effect to avoid getting pregnant. There is fair chance that a woman aborts when she chooses to eat large amounts of ripe papaya. A teaspoon of Papaya seeds taken daily can show excellent effect of contraception in both male and female.
Sunflower seeds: Sunflower seeds have high potential to offer contraceptive and abortive effect. If the seeds are consumed within three hours before or after coitus, you can see the amazing effect of avoiding pregnancy.
Garlic: The cuttings of garlic pieces have excellent role of killing the sperms. If 5 pieces of garlic and 10 sun flower seeds are consumed during coitus hours, the expected result of contraceptive effect can be surprising.
These are just some natural ways to avoid pregnancy by consuming medicinal foods. Over eating can make the fertility potential poor that cannot be recovered in a short period when you want to get pregnant. So taking of home based contraceptive foods just to the need is good and harmless. It is suggested in good will, if you are particular, that you choose to prevent pregnancy rather than going for abortion.
You are fortunate to have more information from the sites Prevent Pregnancy AND Avoiding Pregnancy.
Varadharajan R is the author of this article. This article can be used for reprint on your website provided all the links in the article are kept complete and active.


Tips For Post Pregnancy Weight Loss - Lose Weight Safely!

During our pregnancy we were eating a little more because our body demanded it. Now all of a sudden the baby is here, and our body does not demand the extra food (unless you are nursing) but our body is use to getting more food! Even though the first two months of our pregnancy are hardest because of all the life adjustments including not sleeping the first few days after the initial excitement, but than sleepless few first months until we get used to the little one's schedule. On the other hand weight wise, those are the best two months! You lose weight in your sleep! But after those two months struggle begins. How to lose that post pregnancy weight, so here are the few tips!
One very important tip is not to go on a starving diet! A lot of moms feel desperate to lose that extra weight, but starving is not going to help you and here is why. I did it, I lost the weight initially but I gained it even faster back because I confused my metabolism. I did not know this, and most people do not either, but when you lower your food intake, your metabolism adjusts to burn less calories. The problem happens when you go back to eating regularly because your metabolism takes time to adjust back and that is why most people who go on a starving diet gain the weight back.
One simple tip to lose post pregnancy weight is to actually replace your snacking with healthy food such as fruit and vegetables. This will fill up your stomach a little, and in addition you can drink more water. Fruits and vegetables will speed up your metabolism a little more plus it is healthy. Avoid snacks that have sugar in them, even if they do say only 100 calories.
In addition, you can exercise lightly. Finding the time to exercise is hard, but possible. I am a mother of two and whenever weather permits we go for a fast walk. My older boy, he rides his bike, while my daughter is in the stroller. If the weather is bad, I turn up the music and go crazy with them. They love it and I do burn few calories.


Monday, January 28, 2013

Bed Rest in Pregnancy: More Ideas To Keep You Sane

One of the complaints many women have about pregnancy is having to wait nine very long months to meet their little one.
If you are having pregnancy complications and need to be on bed rest because you're having multiples, you might be spending each day praying you don't meet your little ones quite this soon.
Bed rest for an extended period can be beneficial in keeping those tiny babies healthy and free of premature birth complications, but it has its challenges. Lying in bed for days and weeks because of multiples can be physically uncomfortable. You are likely worrying about your babies growing inside, while also trying to find ways to cope with the endless boredom.
Keeping Yourself Sane During Bed Rest
Pick out baby names. It can be hard to find the right first and middle names for one baby, much less twins, triplets, quadruplets or other multiples. Since you're flat on your back for a while, create a list of your favorite names, including their meanings and origins, to find the best names for your babies.
Shop for baby gear. Take advantage of the quiet time you have now before the babies arrive and do some online research for the best baby gear. Read product reviews and watch videos on how the equipment works before you buy it. Find out from other parents of multiples on parenting message boards and forums on the must-have baby gear they couldn't live without.
Read parenting books. Bedrest is the perfect time to read up on parenting your twins or triplets. Read about your pregnancy and the complications you may be experiencing, but also about the many wonderful months and years that lie ahead of you when caring for your newborns and toddlers.
Make some online friends. Many women enjoy the connection they feel with other pregnant moms they've met through online message boards. You can share your concerns and excitement with other mothers going through the same thing you are, all from the comfort of your own bedroom.
Start a blog. You can keep friends and family updated, or research and write about something that interests you.
Learn a new skill or hobby. If you've always wanted to learn how to knit or crochet, here is your opportunity. There are many online resources and videos that can be found to help you learn and before you know it, your babies will be here and you'll have little knitted hats waiting for them to wear after their birth.
Make playlists of your favorite lullabies. Search for music to download that you feel your babies will enjoy once they are here in your arms. Create a playlist or burn CDs of your favorite music. It will likely have a calming effect on you during your bed rest, and your babies might just love it, too.
Take an online childbirth education class. If you can't make it to a local childbirth class, an online course, is a great way to learn more about what to expect during your pregnancy and will help prepare you for labor and delivery. You'll feel empowered getting educated.
As uncomfortable as it is to be on bed rest with just one or with multiples, you're doing the best thing you can do to protect your babies during your pregnancy from complications. Remember that they will be here in due time, and you'll have forgotten what life was like without them.

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Using Feldenkrais for a More Comfortable Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a wonderful time in a woman's life. The baby inside you grows and develops and your body and mind go through amazing changes. During pregnancy the belly expands, the bones of the pelvis soften and widen, the organs shift, and there is weight gain. On an emotional level your brain is responding to radical shifts in hormones and is preparing you for the psychological changes necessary for motherhood.
Being pregnant can be challenging both physically and emotionally. Even an uncomplicated pregnancy can be disrupted by the changes created by your growing child. Some very common physical complaints during pregnancy include heartburn, constipation, and urinary frequency. Muscular and skeletal complaints are also common, for example
  • Back pain caused by a change in your center of gravity
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome caused by fluid retention
  • Pelvic pain caused by hormonal softening of the skeleton and cartilage and weight of the baby
  • Swollen feet and ankles, again caused by fluid retention
Feldenkrais for pregnant women can help reduce pain and discomfort while providing an overall healthier pregnancy. The Feldenkrais Method teaches simple movements that make everyday tasks such as getting up and down, sleeping, rolling over and breathing much easier. It is an innovative approach to movement that helps to alleviate your pain during pregnancy by teaching you to use and move your body in more effective and efficient ways. The movements you learn are completely safe for both you and your baby during all stages of pregnancy. In fact, it's been proven that reduced stress and pain can create a happier, healthier overall pregnancy experience.
When practicing the Feldenkrais Method, you should expect:
  • Improved mobility, posture, sleep and comfort during pregnancy
  • A deeper sense of trust in your ability to give birth
  • A more rapid return to health after delivery
Feldenkrais increases your energy and improves your quality of life, while helping you adjust to the common side effects which occur through each stage of your pregnancy. And while pregnancy seems to become more challenging as it evolves, you will be amazed at how easily you'll be able to do everything from rolling over in bed, getting in and out of a chair or the car, and simply moving more freely throughout the day.

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Pregnancy and Lower Back Pain, What Every Pregnant Woman Should Know

Back pain and pregnancy, tips on what you can do to make your pregnancy and lower back pain a little easier to deal with.
Normal weight gain in pregnancy is about 35 pounds, but lots of women I have met over my twenty-year midwifery career gained 35 pounds to 70 pounds during pregnancy. The stress of sudden weight gain during the short cycle of pregnancy can cause back pain and pregnancy misery.
Pregnancy posture change:
Pregnancy and lower back pain happens because of pregnancy weight gain and the automatic adjustments your body makes in posture to accommodate the growing womb. This change in posture is called pregnancy lordosis. Upper and lower back pain and pregnancy lordosis go hand in hand because your spine becomes super curved, elongated, and your breast and buttocks stick out pulling and stretching your back muscles.
Pregnancy hormones:
On top of this, back pain and pregnancy go hand in hand because of the higher levels of pregnancy hormones you produce. Pregnancy hormones have a relaxing effect on many of the muscles in your body to accommodate the muscle stretching that is required during pregnancy. Relaxed muscles are not as supportive to the spine and abdominal muscles, therefore many women complain of back pain and pregnancy shoulder stress.
Pregnancy pelvic changes:
The female pelvis is made up of many different bones. When you get towards the end of your pregnancy, a baby cannot fit to a normal-sized woman's pelvis without the pelvis opening and expanding. The pelvis has two major joints; one towards the right and one towards the left of your lower back along with a hinge joint at the very tail end of your spine.
Back pain and pregnancy ligament pulling and stretching is a direct result of your pelvis opening, which will allow your baby's head to engage or enter into the cavity of your pelvis. Pregnancy and lower back pain is also caused by the excess pressure felt deep within your pelvis as your baby sits and waits for labor to commence.
All of these factors taken together, it is not unusual for pregnant women to get backache. So if you get a backache straight away start doing things to prevent your backache from getting worse or getting out of control.
How to help minimize symptoms associated with pregnancy and lower back pain:
I definitely recommend having nice warm bath soaks, putting nice warm compresses on your back, or even better still having back massages to help with your pregnancy and lower back pain.
I would absolutely recommend that every pregnant woman go to see a chiropractor during pregnancy. A lot of traditional obstetrician, gynecologist and midwives are a little afraid of sending the women to a chiropractor because they are just not informed as to what chiropractors actually do. A chiropractor can help your spine accommodate easier to all the posture changes that happens during your pregnancy and relieve pain associated to pulled and stressed muscles associated to pregnancy and lower back pain
Apart from that, let us look at what things can you do to your own body to help minimize back pain and pregnancy. Wearing a good supporting bra during your pregnancy will support the increased breast weight and uplift your breasts so they do not feel so heavy. This will alleviate a lot of the upper back stress associated with pregnancy and lower back pain.
There are also a lot of pregnancy stomach binders that have been created to help support the weight of your growing womb which can help relieve back pain and pregnancy ligament discomfort.
Many women are focused on fashionable shoes and wear ridiculous footwear during pregnancies that do not support their posture and feet. I cannot believe how many pregnant women out there are wearing ridiculously high shoes or low shoes. Remember, as you become more and more pregnant all the bones and muscles within your feet are stressed.
Take a good look at the shoes you are wearing during your pregnancy and ask yourself these questions to evaluate the importance of your feet:
Do your shoes have a good supportive arch in them?
Are your shoes nice and wide to accommodate the increasing growth and widening of my foot associated to extra blood volume and swelling that occurs during pregnancy?
Can your foot easily slip out of your shoe? If so you could trip and fall and injure yourself or your baby.
The more informed you are about pregnancy the better choices you will make. Better choices mean a happier healthier mom and baby. Pregnancy can be an extraordinary experience for a woman. It is far more than growing a baby and understanding pregnancy and lower back pain.
Pregnancy has a huge emotional, mental, spiritual, and energetic side to it. The more you understand these aspects, the easier and less symptomatic your pregnancy will be. Learning how to connect with the emotions of your unborn child will allow you to enhance your pregnancy experience and surrender to its normal physiological process of pregnancy and lower back pain.

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