Although it is a common affliction during pregnancy, there is no
particular reason that causes it but a whole range of possible causes
that led to snoring during pregnancy. Usually it is an issue that crops
up in the third trimester and 25% women start snoring regularly there
are others that snore only in the last few days. Women that sleep light,
have a bigger problem listening to themselves snore as they are about
to fall asleep but the worst suffer is the bed partner that has to
forego a good night's sleep due to constant snoring. Some of the common
reasons that lead you to snore during pregnancy include:
Inflamed nasal passages: Your nightly snoring is directly related to swelling in the breathing pathways that can be due to high levels of estrogen during this period of pregnancy. The inflamed delicate mucous membranes in the nose narrow the passages, creating more mucus leading to respiratory issues. During pregnancy, there is an increase in the amount of blood in the body and that expands the blood vessels leading to swelling.
Congestion in the lungs:If you have a cold it is understandable that with a higher mucus levels in the body, you will have problem breathing and that leads to snoring. Additionally, the growing baby puts pressure on the other organs in the body, while the extra weight that you put on adds extra layers on the throat and neck causing pressure on the airways, constricting breathing and that leads to snoring.
Sleep apnea: Obstructive sleep apnea is another factor that can cause you to snore even if you are not pregnant. But due to the increasing weight, it symptoms are more apparent and you start snoring more frequently that before. Additionally, the pauses in breathing are more apparent and require immediate medical care assistance as it can be detrimental to your own and baby's health as there is a low intake of oxygen affecting the baby's development.
Snoring solutions during pregnancy
It is best if you try to sleep on your side as the breathing passages remain open than when you sleep on your back. Keep your head elevated properly to breath better which reduces the snoring considerably. In any case during pregnancy for the good health of your child, it is best to avoid smoking and alcohol intake, but in case you still cannot quit it, you might have to do now. Snoring is directly related to alcohol consumption and consumption of sleeping pills as it over-relaxes the muscles which lead to the soft tissue vibration that causes snoring.
Another major factor that is not considered is the excessive weight gain during this period. The layers of extra fat add layers on the neck and throat which in turn puts pressure on the breathing tracks and constricts them causing you to snore.
There are numerous non-invasive methods with external application such as nasal drops which do not have any side effects as it is topical application. There are a few nasal drops that have been clinically tested and tried in Sweden and London hospitals with amazing positive results. Maybe using it can help you stop snoring during pregnancy and sleep better.
Inflamed nasal passages: Your nightly snoring is directly related to swelling in the breathing pathways that can be due to high levels of estrogen during this period of pregnancy. The inflamed delicate mucous membranes in the nose narrow the passages, creating more mucus leading to respiratory issues. During pregnancy, there is an increase in the amount of blood in the body and that expands the blood vessels leading to swelling.
Congestion in the lungs:If you have a cold it is understandable that with a higher mucus levels in the body, you will have problem breathing and that leads to snoring. Additionally, the growing baby puts pressure on the other organs in the body, while the extra weight that you put on adds extra layers on the throat and neck causing pressure on the airways, constricting breathing and that leads to snoring.
Sleep apnea: Obstructive sleep apnea is another factor that can cause you to snore even if you are not pregnant. But due to the increasing weight, it symptoms are more apparent and you start snoring more frequently that before. Additionally, the pauses in breathing are more apparent and require immediate medical care assistance as it can be detrimental to your own and baby's health as there is a low intake of oxygen affecting the baby's development.
Snoring solutions during pregnancy
It is best if you try to sleep on your side as the breathing passages remain open than when you sleep on your back. Keep your head elevated properly to breath better which reduces the snoring considerably. In any case during pregnancy for the good health of your child, it is best to avoid smoking and alcohol intake, but in case you still cannot quit it, you might have to do now. Snoring is directly related to alcohol consumption and consumption of sleeping pills as it over-relaxes the muscles which lead to the soft tissue vibration that causes snoring.
Another major factor that is not considered is the excessive weight gain during this period. The layers of extra fat add layers on the neck and throat which in turn puts pressure on the breathing tracks and constricts them causing you to snore.
There are numerous non-invasive methods with external application such as nasal drops which do not have any side effects as it is topical application. There are a few nasal drops that have been clinically tested and tried in Sweden and London hospitals with amazing positive results. Maybe using it can help you stop snoring during pregnancy and sleep better.
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